World Day for International Justice, also referred to as Day of International Criminal Justice or International Justice Day, is an international day celebrated throughout the world on July 17 as part of an effort to recognize the emerging system of international criminal justice.

Driven by this day, we share with you results based on research that Pulse Market Research conducted, regarding Cypriots’ Trust in Justice.
It appears that the 53% does not trust Cyprus Justice. More specifically, 57% of men and 50% women distrust justice, with only 5% and 15% respectively, being neutral.
Moreover, 57% who said that they distrust Cyprus Justice had some similar characteristics. Most of them are 50+, based in Nicosia and have higher education.
It is significant that the groups with the higher scores that said that they have trust in Cyprus justice, are coming from upper socio-economic class (41%) and middle class (39%).
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