The Smiling Report (Infographic) is compiled by the MSPA annually from Mystery Shopping evaluations world wide. The Smiling Report consists of data from more than 2 million evaluations in 2012, measuring weather the Mystery Shopper during his/her visit received a smile, a greeting and an add-on sales suggestion.
Not a lot has changed since last year. Cyprus scores better than average on the “Smiling” and “Greeting ” indicators, but ranks last for “Add On Sales” from more than 50 countries. This year’s Smiling Report for the Mystery Shopping practices of more than 300 countries within 2012, verifies in a great extent what is common knowledge in Cyprus’ Customer Service talks: “Customer Service in Cyprus is not bad, Selling Skills however, are not as good.”
The MSPA is the representative Trade Association for companies participating in the Mystery Shopping industry.
The Association operates on a regional basis worldwide, with Chapters located in North America, Europe, Asia/Pacific and Latin America.
Member companies unite as a common body for the purpose of strengthening the mystery shopping industry through combined efforts and actions.
It is the goal of the MSPA to improve and stimulate the acceptance, performance, reputation and use of mystery shopping services worldwide.
With over 300 member companies worldwide, our diverse membership includes marketing research and merchandising companies, private investigation firms, training organizations and companies that specialize in providing mystery shopping services.
Pulse Market Research is an MSPA member registered in Cyprus since 2007

For more information, visit www.smilingreport.com
Or contact us at info@pulse.com.cy