With 94% of households in Cyprus having access to the Internet and almost 90% of the population (ages 16-74), having used the internet at least once during the first quarter of 2022*, we can safely conclude that information technology has been well established in Cyprus and plays a great part in our everyday lives. How we communicate, how we access information, how we buy products and services, even how we participate in the society has shifted to a great extent from the physical to the online environment. And the pandemic has been an accelerant for this shift.

Trying to adapt to the new normal, businesses are constantly struggling to stay up to date in the methods they use for reaching and satisfying their audiences. Consumers are not behaving in predictable ways and companies cannot afford to make unsubstantiated assumptions. The need for acquiring prompt, valid primary research data and accessing the true “voice of consumer” is becoming increasingly more important.
With corporate clients requiring insightful data quickly to make fast adaptations to their marketing mix, a lot of pressure has been put on the market research industry to come up with innovative solutions ensuring speed, relevancy and good quality of data. The traditional ways of collecting and analyzing data have been criticized as too slow and data collected is becoming less relevant over time, slowing down the management decision making process. Thus market research companies have had to find ways to fundamentally transform and redesign their practises. This could only be achieved through technology, with automation in data collection and analysis being the key. With internet access gradually reaching every household, online data collection, producing quick and reliable results has been largely embraced by the industry, with quantitative online research already reaching 33% of total market research spending globally**.
Pulse MR, keeping up with the changing landscape and responding to the new requirements of the business world has developed My Opinion online panel, with a very substantial, continuously increasing number of members, covering all age groups, districts, and social groups. The size of our panel community and the vast number of data attributes collected at inception, allows for precise targeting and representative sampling. Embracing this agile methodology of providing fast, good-quality results, using targeted samples and utilizing automated, innovative solutions for achieving live online reporting, most of our multinational and local clients have already demonstrated their preference in using MyOpinion panel for conducting quantitative research.
Our panellists are generously rewarded for their participation and are given an opportunity to express their opinion. These motives are continuously attracting new members.
For panel information and registration: Click here
For business inquiries contact us at business@pulse.com.cy
* Statistical Service of Cyprus, Survey ICT Usage in Households and by Individuals 2022
** ESOMAR Industry Report 2022