Another Research Project. So what’s the big deal?
The exit poll conducted by Pulse MR for Omega Channel was undoubtedly, one of the largest projects we have taken up in the past 5 years. It required extremely elaborate planning, long hours of work, a network of over 80 people working together, 46 tablets for interviewing and- in short- all of our time, energy and focus dedicated to completing this extremely ambitious and demanding project.

The pains and gains for our Team
For the reasons explained above, this project was a real challenge for our Team. We had encountered various challenges, issues and difficulties ranging from endless working hours for preparation, to very early rise on two consecutive Sunday mornings (no rest in between for many!) and fighting with the bad weather conditions while conducting the interviews (many our interviewers got soaking wet and cold trying to gather data).
But as they say ‘no pain, no gain’ and the ‘gain’ was so much more than the ‘pain’: we managed to complete our work successfully, strictly following the meticulous methodology plan, delivering reliable, uncompromising and accurate results. But more importantly, we have enjoyed the whole process, we have worked together as a unit, in harmony, in good spirits, responsibly, supporting one another, fulfilling our personal and common goals. And we have proved once again that our Team has superpowers and can achieve almost anything.

The conclusion
Managing this project successfully was perhaps the most ambitious goal we have set as a Team and winning this bet was our greatest reward. Having achieved this common goal, gave us a lot of confidence, strength and optimism but most importantly has brought us even closer together. Sharing a common goal is great, but sharing a common success is ideal!
Special tributes
We are very proud of our Team and thankful to each and every one who has worked on this project! Special thanks to all our interviewers who also had to deal with the bad weather (especially during the first Sunday), our admirably competent and inspiring Project Leaders who have organized everything in pure excellence and of course Omega Channel who trusted us for this project and gave us the opportunity to take this wonderful, gratifying journey.