In Pulse Market Research we focus on continuous development and learning, as a means to grow and achieve our goals.
In this context we have attended a whole-day seminar which aimed towards calibrating our skills on offering Quality Customer Service. In this seminar we had the chance to learn how to provide a quality customer service in profound and outstanding ways. Our goal was to embrace common values as a team that will make the difference when it comes to B2B communication.

During this very interesting, fun, interactive and inspiring seminar, we have further developed our skills on sustaining meaningful long-term relationships, setting realistic and relevant goals with our clients, growing our problem-solving skills, enhancing our teamworking abilities and finally learning how to become a quality Service provider, partnering with our clients and helping them succeed, by delivering to them truly useful, reliable, relevant and timely information on which they can rely to when taking important business decisions.
We have especially enjoyed the creative, innovative, and playful workshops which brought us closer together, as a team, and helped us realize that united we can achieve much more!
Pulse, Transforming information to knowledge.