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Research data can be a goldmine

Research data can be a goldmine, if collected, analyzed, interpreted and utilized correctly!

Research statistics comprise a solid, valid and relevant communication code, used to transfer important messages from consumers, employees, stakeholders, citizens to businesses, organizations, governments and politicians

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Statistical data tells a story, the true story, when its accurately and skillfully collected, analyzed and interpreted by specialists. It serves as a diagnostic tool for receiving valuable, actionable insights from target audiences, enabling the user to understand and act upon expressed and measured opinions, habits, attitudes. Statistical data is a valuable guide and should form the basis for developing, evaluating and adjusting any strategic or tactical actions. It could be descriped as a goldmine, since it can lead to significant savings from taking targeted and agile business decisions, based on actual, solid research findings.

Statistics should be presented and interpreted in a clear, simple and easily understood manner, making it easy for the user to interpret and act upon.

Watch this interesting video below, by 100people.org:

If The World Were 100 People | GOOD Data - Bing video

Credit: 100people org

Pulse, Transforming information to knowledge.