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Mother's Day

«Mother» is a synonym for nurture, unconditional love, self-sacrifice, continuous and tireless giving without expecting anything in return.  No other role in society has ever been associated with so many virtues, recognized and appreciated by everyone, but at the same time often requiring significant sacrifices and leading to deprivation of equal opportunities.

But let’s put things in an order, letting the statistical facts tell the whole story…

Pulse Posts MAY23 finalcyprus

*Source: Eurostat (data 2020-2021)

Work status and income earning of women vs men
15,1% of women are part time employees, compared to 7,9% of men**
18,1% of women are temporary employees, compared to 9,4% of men**
The gender pay gap (as a % if average gross hourly earnings of men) was found to be 9,9% in 2020 *
Risk of poverty was 15% in women, compared to 12,6% in men in 2021 **

Source: Eurostat (data 2020-2021)
** Source: statistical service of Cyprus (data 2019-2021)

Pulse Posts MAY23 03