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Use of internet. Should you be worried?

Pulse Market Research has conducted a survey through My Opinion online panel to address the various concerns and opinions of the public regarding the use of the internet. The survey was conducted in February 2022 and the respondents were Cypriot citizens.

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2021 Smiling Report

MSPA Europe/Africa, the trade organization for mystery shopping professionals has recently released the 2021 Smiling Report in cooperation with Better Business Worldwide, for the 18th consecutive year. The Smiling Report consists of data from around 31 million mystery shopping evaluations, collected since 2004 by professional Mystery Shopping Providers that are members of the MSPA in Europe/Africa, Asia/Pacific and America. The report analyses customer service data from evaluations conducted across a whole spectrum of industries.

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Trusting advertising sources?

‘Trust is the foundation of every successful sale’ (Adam Rogers, Shopify)

According to research conducted by Pulse Market Research regarding the level of trust in various advertising sources, 87% of participants stated that they trust recommendations from friends, family, or acquaintances and 78% have taken action (examined the product more carefully or did more research on its features) based on such recommendations received.

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