Consumer Research
• Usage & Attitude Studies
A widely used market research tool for describing the market, assessing own performance and competition, as well as profiling a brand's or organisation's consumers. Pulse MR implements Usage & Attitude studies to evaluate a brand or an organisation versus its' competitors in the category market.
• Habits & Lifestyle Research
Pulse MR Habits & Lifestyle Research examines the impact that lifestyle and habits have on consumers' and individuals' perceptions, choice and usage of a brand or an organisation. Considering the modern environment of different lifestyles, marketing becomes more specific and targeted through Lifestyle research.
• Image Research
Corporate or brand image has little value unless it is put in a comparative context. Pulse MR implements Image research studies for assessing or tracking a brand's image in comparison with its competition. Statistical techniques and models are applied for benchmarking and conceptualising a brand's image
• Market Segmentation Research
Demography should not be the only reporting parameter in assessing market research results. Pulse MR implements market segmentation statistical analysis from which consumers can be profiled and categorised by more than just their demographic parameters. Market Segmentation clusters consumers on Product/Brand usage parameters, Psychographics parameters (Lifestyle & Attitudes) and Socio-economic parameters.
• Price Research & Analysis
A products price can be the result of a complex model of many variables such as costs and competitive practices. At Pulse MR we utilise Price research from the consumer's point of view to assess the elasticity of the price in relation to the consumer's propensity of usage. Model building analysis based on different pricing scenarios is used to find the optimal product price for optimising sales and revenue while minimising the competitions impact.
• Product Testing
Pulse MR encompasses all variations of methods of testing a product or a service before a launch or reformulation. Monadic (One product evaluated), Sequential Monadic (First product evaluated without knowledge that a second product will follow) or Paired Comparison (Evaluation is done after both products are tested) tests can be executed to evaluate the product's attributes and performance individually or versus the competition. Blind or branded, in-home or at central locations, Pulse MR offers solid approach to product testing.
• Concept Testing
Pulse MR provides clients with the option to test a concept before or during the actual product development. Qualitatively or quantitatively, a concept can be tested for assessing consumers' trial and purchase intent as well as price and value positioning. Concept testing enables clients to have indications about the uniqueness of the product in conjunction with propensity to purchase for further analysis versus the category competition.
• Name Testing
A product's name is a critical marketing variable for almost all product categories. At Pulse MR specifically designed Name Tests can be conducted to assess the potential of a brand's name(s) as well as the attributes associated with those names.
• Package Testing
A product's package is a definite influencing factor when consumers are making a decision regarding a product purchase. At Pulse MR specifically designed Packages Tests can be conducted to assess the attributes of a series of recommended still under development packages (Early Stage Package Test) and possible consumer oriented improvements or to assess the impact on consumers through simulated display schemes (Near Finish Package Test).
• Promotion Testing
Pulse MR offers promotion testing research solutions to identify consumers' propensity to try and purchase a specific product or service. A test conducted before placing the promotion in the market to assess its' potential for success.